Laser Tracker Rental – Helps Improve Productivity for Contract Services teams
Laser tracker rental is now offered by Met Optix to Contract Services teams to perform on-site measurement and inspection tasks. The unit is an API Radian Plus tracker model with a 50-metre measurement range complete with 1-1/2″ SMR, folding tripod, and laptop computer pre-loaded with Verisurf CAD/Measure software.
The Radian Plus has full six degrees of freedom capabilities and can be coupled with both APIs vProbe system and iSCAN 3D scanning system for additional functionality and key benefits.
The API Radian Plus is an excellent all-around system and great for general-purpose measurements in the field with a typical accuracy of 18 microns (0.018 mm) over the distance range of 2 – 50 metres, wireless operation, and a 10-hour battery life.
The API Laser tracker will be used for both customer demonstrations as well as being available as a rental for contract measurement tasks in the field. Typically, the equipment will be demonstrated using Verisurf CAD/Measure software to show the measurement capabilities of the laser tracker system for metrology applications. However for tool-building applications in the aerospace sector for example then Versiurf CAD/Measure/Build software can be supplied.